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L’allenamento dello scrittore

1. Scrivi ogni giorno [“Writing is a muscle. Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger.]
2. Non procrastinare [“Well, it’s time to look procrastination in the eye and tell that seafaring wench, “Sorry not today, today I write.”]
3. Combatti il blocco dello scrittore [“The blank white page. El Diablo Blanco. El Pollo Loco.”
4. Impara dai maestri [“never get such a giant head that you feel entitled to throw around obscure phrases like “Show, don’t tell.”]
5. Trova la tua musa [“Beware of muses who promise unrealistic timelines for your projects or who wear wizard clothes.”]
6. Perfeziona la tua arte [“writers are very busy”]
7. Chiedi feedback [“the only kind of criticism that doesn’t make you a better writer is dishonest criticism.”]
8. Leggi, leggi, leggi [“It’s no secret that great writers are great readers”]
9. Studia le regole, poi infrangile [“Don’t spend your career lost in a sea of copycats when you can establish your own set of rules.”]
10. Mantieni la testa a posto [“A writer’s brain is full of little gifts, like a piñata at a birthday party.”

regole tratte da McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO WRITING BETTER THAN YOU NORMALLY DO – BY